- n. 国家;乡村;区域;乡村音乐
- adj. 乡村的;国家的;故乡的;乡村音乐的
- 国,国家,祖国
- 国土,土地
- 故乡
- 区域,地区
- 乡下,乡村
- 全体国民,全国人民,国民,全民
- 郊外
- 领域
- 政府
- 乡下的,乡村的,农村的,乡间的
- 乡村风味的,乡村式的,乡气的
- 故乡的,家乡的
- 地方的
- 粗鲁的
- 祖国的,本国的,本土的,本地的
- 【音】乡村音乐的,以乡村音乐为特色的
- 在农村的,来自农村的
- [C]国家,国土 an area of land that is a nation, especially considered together with its population, political organization, industry, etc.
- [S]郊外,乡村 the land outside cities or towns; land used for farming or leftunused
- [U]地区 land with a special nature or character
a politically organized body of people under a single government;
"the state has elected a new president"
"African nations"
"students who had come to the nation's capitol"
"the country's largest manufacturer"
"an industrialized land"
the territory occupied by a nation;
"he returned to the land of his birth"
"he visited several European countries"
the people who live in a nation or country;
"a statement that sums up the nation's mood"
"the news was announced to the nation"
"the whole country worshipped him"
an area outside of cities and towns;
"his poetry celebrated the slower pace of life in the country"
a particular geographical region of indefinite boundary (usually serving some special purpose or distinguished by its people or culture or geography);
"it was a mountainous area"
"Bible country"
- China is a developing country.
中国是一个发展中国家。 - After many years abroad, he wanted to return home to his country.
在国外多年后,他想回到故乡。 - The country is very green in spring.
春天的时候,乡村一片青葱碧绿。 - She lived her whole life in the country.
她在农村度过一生。 - We passed through miles of wooded country.
我们通过了好几英里的树木茂密的地带。 - This is unknown country to me.
- After ten years in the city, he is still country.
他在城里待了十年,仍是乡气十足。 - I strictly criticize those country leaders who advocate crossover.
- go to the country
举行大选 have a general election (of a government)
- avenge one's country 为自己的国家报仇
- benefit a country 有利于国家
- close the country 闭关自守
- conquer a country 征服某国
- defend one's country 保卫自己的国家
- free a country 使国家获得自由〔独立〕
- govern a country 统治某国家
- invade a country 侵略某国家
- involve the country in disaster 使国家卷入灾难
- love one's country 热爱自己的国家
- occupy a country 占领某国家
- open a country to trade 使某国家开放通商
- save a country 拯救国家
- serve one's country 为自己的国家服务〔效劳〕
- take the country over 接管某国家
- tour a country 到某国旅行
- travel a country 到某国旅行
- unify a country 统一国家
- visit a country 访问某国家
- agricultural country 农业国
- backward country 落后的国家
- Christian country 基督教国家
- closed country 闭关自守的国家
- developed country 发达国家
- developing country 发展中国家
- far-off country 遥远的国家
- free country 自由的国家
- hostile country 敌国
- imaginary country 假想国
- industrial country 工业发达的国家
- invaded country 被侵略的国家
- lawless country 无法律的国家
- mountainous country 多山的国家
- multilingual country 使用多种语言的国家
- multinational country 多民族的国家
- oil-producing country 石油生产国
- participating country 与会国
- richly-endowed country 富饶的国家
- semi-feudal and semi-colonial country 半封建半殖民地国家
- Southern-Hemisphere -ries 南半球的国家
- underdeveloped country 不发达国家
- wealthy country 富有的国家
- applicant country 申请国
- creditor country 债权国
- debtor country 债务国
- earthquake country 地震国
- enemy country 敌国
- hill country 山国
- home country 故国
- host country 东道国
- island country 岛国
- recipient country 受援国
- satellite country 卫星国
- subject country 属国
- apple country 产苹果的地方
- mountain country 山地
- country butter 土制黄油
- country club 乡间俱乐部
- country cottage 乡间别墅
- country men 同胞
- country music 民间音乐
- country people 乡巴佬
- country road 乡间小路
- in the country 在乡下
- over the country 在全国
- country with a long history 历史悠久的国家
A country of gracious farms on undulating hilly slopes.
出自: N. Shute